Physical Audio Preparation 2 v2.1.2

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Physical Audio Preparation 2 v2.1.2

Berichtdoor mitsumi » Za 28 Sep 2024, 06:10

Physical Audio Preparation 2 v2.1.2


File size: 9.4 MB

Preparation 2 creates a virtual world of augmented strings using our latest physical modelling techniques. Two strings collide with a rattle and a dynamic fret to deliver a rich palette of acoustic timbres, from unique instruments to experimental soundscapes

Physical modelling of prepared strings
Preparation is based on mathematical modelling of 3 basic elements; strings which can be configured as bars, a rattle that joins strings together, and a dynamic fret. Each voice contains a pair of strings which are excited with either a customisable pluck, a bow, or side-chained audio. The acoustic model's properties are tailored by you, generating a range of sounds from unique instruments to experimental soundscapes. Preparation uses our latest research into collision modelling and fast solver techniques.
Whats New
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version

Code: Alles selecteren

Download link

Say "Thank You" ... 2.rar.html ... v2.1.2.rar
Berichten: 3127
Geregistreerd: Di 20 Aug 2024, 13:35

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